Sunday, August 15, 2010

She the savior; you the destroyer…

They say those who endeavor for others’ happiness end up being alone;
How true does this seem in this incentive seeking world .
The earth made our life worth living, comforting us ever since.
But what does she get in return?
Nonchalance, callousness and despair!!

Mothers as always are unconditional lovers,
Compassionate and caring, thoughtful and tireless…
But the children ready to lift their dreams high…
Easily Forgetful of all her sacrifices made!!

The mother always gives, never demands...
For the dreams you see, the seeds she sows.
For how much higher you fly…
She eyes you and keeps her arms open; if you fall!

She guards you, she guides you!
Yet you ignorantly trample upon her…
Crushing her very existence.
Selfish, cowards, is what you are!!

Giving you shade amidst the heat of hurdles.
Enriching your soul, with the drops of thunder.
The softness of leaves, the aroma of flowers...
The tenderness of shrubs, the fiery sun!

All she gives to you, for you she lived
But because of you she’ll die..!!

She has done the unthinkable…
And you are just unstoppable...
Searching avenues of success...
Ignoring the companion without which you would be nothing!!

I see that you and I are making it whimper...
I dread that we will strangulate her…
Making her cry for her own existence..
What will ‘we’ get in return??

Definite destruction, absolute annihilation
Total termination…!!!
Wake up!! Save her….save us!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Fifty years have passed since the new millennium,
And we did celebrate it with the humble old rum,
Those were the days of gusto and joy,
when the nature restrained itself to play its ploy.

Those were the days when the songs of the cuckoo used to wake us,
when the fragrance of the fresh lilies used to greet us,
When the morning was full of the cool breeze,
and the scattering of the pollens used to make us sneeze.

Those were the days when the colours of the nature were as vibrant as a rainbow,
when the cuckoo used to lay her eggs in the nest of the crow,
when the peacocks used to dance spreading her multi-hued feathers,
and the lovebirds used to croon joyously together.

Those were the days, my son, every drop of the river was as pure as the smile on a young girl's face,
when the pulchritude of the blue planet was known in the whole space,
When the nature was bestowed with the title "mother",
and this magnanimous mother used to shower us with these colourfull weathers.

When the greens of the trees,
and the blue of the seas,
used to blend together,
the way long lost mates used to embrace each other.

Where are those days gone, my son?
Humans have still not learned their lesson,
We continue to malign those beautiful rivers,
which will erase the smile from the girl's face forever.

Where are those lovely birds, my son?
Humans have forced them to run,
No cuckoo or crow or peacock or an occasional sparrow,
we have targeted each and every winged creature with our cruel arrows.

I still miss the scent of those lilies,
We have driven these blossoms to flee,
These buds of new life are nowhere to be seen,
all this shows how much humans have become so mean.

There is still time my son; to reverse these disastrous effects,
To live a beautiful life or not; you select,
I have learned my mistakes; now it is your turn,
please make the nature return those ferns...