The nature has bestowed its bounties on us.
The man has crushed all hopes for future
We never stop just for once to reflect,
What the past gave us, what we took from the present and what the future holds??
All we do is run; run fast; faster still…
In search of newer revelations, brighter prospects, more comforts, more supremacy!!
In this crave to touch newer heights…
We end up touching newer lows.
This crave for more power breeds innovation
It leaves us more of a pauper than anything else.
It takes us away from the cool shade of the trees,
Away from the daily songs of the birds,
Away from nature’s lullabies.
Away from you,
Away from me!
The earth gave us all hints it could,
Caused devastations to make us see sense,
The tsunamis, the floods, the droughts, the hunger, the despair!!
What more?
Rising temperatures; melting glaciers
Winters getting colder, summers hotter still.
Materialistic Man is too busy contemplating these phenomenons as ‘scientific’,
When I believe that the mother is bleeding, crying out loud, moaning!
In the hope…that it may be heard, above the deafening silence we live in.
The nature has bestowed its bounties on us.
The man has crushed all hopes for future
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